Saturday, September 26, 2009
Song of the Week
Melanie Fiona - It Kills Me
Ms. MusiQ appreciates REAL artists!
Industry Mag Photoshoot

The Main Event!

Tomorrow is the day we get to buy tickets to see the would-be-concert-turned-movie of MJ's last show.... I'M EXCITED!!!! There has been a line up for tickets at the Staple Center in L.A. since thursday night! Get your tickets people! The movie is only in theatres for two weeks starting October 28!
For those who have been sleeping, here's the trailer:
Ms. MusiQ believes this will be a sold out event!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
First off, I want to shout out a few people that I know who are vying for the chance to be Much Music's newest VJ! Tika Simone, Shannon Boodram, Kamakacci Juice and Ron Dias, you guys each deserve that role so, good luck! For anyone else interested in getting into the competition, hit up the Much Music website. You guys have until midnight Sunday, September 27th to get your entries in! This month has been great for Toronto with TIFF and Manifesto so, I hope everyone has had a chance to check them both out! I heard some good reviews about the movie 'Precious' and I'm really looking forward to seeing it when it comes to theatres in November. There are so many things going on this week and weekend... Birthdays, BBQs, babyshowers and photoshoots! Toronto is buzzin' and I love it!
Ok... Now let's get to the nitty-gritty. *sigh* The MTV VMAs. One word to describe it: WOW! First off, where were the fashionistas hiding? Besides Lady Gaga's crazy costume changes, the only two ensembles worth mentioning were from the Knowles sisters! Beyonce was the hottest lady in red and Solange kept it sexy in black. I don't even remember what the men were wearing and that's really disappointing! Anywho, I was on the edge of my seat impatiently waiting for the MJ tribute! I don't mean to sound insensitive but, Madonna was making me cringe! I couldn't wait for her to stop talking! The dance tribute was LIVE in my opinion but I was upset that a few dancers were making mistakes. I mean, yeah, everyone's human but.... COME ON! I already knew deep down that Janet was going to dance to 'Scream' so she and Michael could do their dance solo together (tear) but... I kind of expected more out of it. Anyways, I was in a good mood after the tribute and I really thought the show was going to run smoothly! Of course, that was too much to ask for.... :(
Leave it up to the ignorance of Kanye West to hope up on stage, ruin Taylor Swift's acceptance speech with his unwanted and unasked for opinion, and hand her back the mic like he did something gold medal worthy... *eye roll*. From there, the vibe of the show kind of went down hill! Lady Gaga smashed her performance for 'Paparazzi', Pink confused me with her Cirque du Soleil-esque performance (but I love the song she sang) and Beyonce BORED me with the 'Single Ladies' joint! I know, I know... You Beyonce stans are flying off the handle right now but look, I've seen that damn performance a trillion times now! Doesn't matter how many clones she brought on stage to "spice it up', IT WAS BORING! I will give her credit for trying to defuse the situation with Taylor Swift though. She's definately a classy woman for that! Last but not least, the super fan that is Lil' Mama. I always try to justify her ways, I really do, but she makes it soooo hard! I mean, I personally could careless about Jay-Z but, when an artist of that calibre is on stage performing, it is NOT cute nor is it cool to jump on stage unannounced! Lil' Mama, I understand how much you love Brooklyn and I know how easy it is to get caught up in the music you love... but that's no excuse for what you did. I don't agree with Jay-Z hitting you with that 'you're T-Painning it' crap but hey, you put yourself in the line of fire!
It's really sad that the focus of the show was stolen from MJ memory.... I really wish these "celebrities" would get over themselves!
Video of MJ tribute:
One other thing I wanted to touch on was New York Fasion Week... What the heck happend? I can count on one hand how many designers brought the dopeness but even then, there were
only a few pieces that got me excited!
Here are a few fresh pics:

Alright, I'm out of here people... Going to catch some early shut eye. I have a long day tomorrow that'll end with Industry Mag's Model Search photoshoot... Can we say, excitement?!
Remember to stay dope & keep it fresh! I leave you now with a throwback joint from Zhane... Yeah, I'm in that kind of mood right now!
Zhane - Crush
-Ms. MusiQ is feeling oh so lovey-dovey right now... Ooowwwwww!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hello back to schoolers!
How were your first couple of days back? I hope everyone has a productive school year... I'll be here, working my butt off to get my business off the ground! My last minute attempt to enroll in the Fashion Industry Business course at George Brown didn't work out and I'm really fed up working 9-5's for these companies who don't respect me. I feel like, if I ever want to stand on my own two feet and build something that's mine from the ground up, the time is NOW! I'm still not going to divulge any information as of yet but I will be in grind mode starting today!
For those of you who don't know, there's a new play coming to the Toronto theatre scene and it'll be here for 10 days only! Screenwriter Darren Anthony (brother of Trey Anthony from 'Da Kink in my Hair') presents "Secrets of a Black Boy"! It's a story that talks about families and friends in one of Toronto's oldest communities... Regent Park. Five friends gather at a community centre that's about to be torn down, to say their goodbyes to the place they all called home. They reminisce about what the community center means to them and about both the disintegration of Regent Park and the lives of the young men most affected by it."Secrets Of a Black Boy is a gritty, uncensored look at the lives of black men. No subject is taboo from interracial dating, commitment phobia, gun violence, sexuality, and love. Every stereotype of black men will be critically examined and explored, subsequently, giving audiences a fresh, new and authentic experience!"
Don't believe it'll be interesting? Click here for the teaser:
In other news, I recently watched a disturbing video of a former actress who recently "fell from grace". The video honestly made me cringe and left me wondering, is sex and drugs really a last resort in Hollywood?? I realize substance abuse runs rampant in the entertainment world but really, where is everyone's will power? Ok so, say for arguments sake, one doesn't have a strong enough will power to say no to these readily available drugs.... Wouldn't the fact that HUNDREDS of people before you have died from overdoses steer you away from that life?? I'm glad that someone has stepped in and offered to help Maia Campbell... I just can't belive she let herself spiral so far downhill! I don't even want to post the link to the video... It's hella embarassing!
On a lighter note, MANIFESTO is back in Toronto for the third year and it runs from September 16th – 20th! That's right folks... 5 days, 8 venues and 120+ artists in one city! Here is the breakdown for the Manifesto event:
• Film Festival – Wed, Sept 16th 6:00pm – 11:00pm
• Dance Competition – Thurs, Sept 17th 8:00pm – 2:00am
• Art Exhibition Opening– Fri, Sept 18th 8:00pm – 2:00am
• Parkdale Youth Festival – Sat, Sept 19th 12:00pm – 7:00pm
• 106 & York Urban Arts Festival – Sat, Sept 19th 6:00pm – 10:00pm.
• Featured Party – Sat, Sept 19th 10:00pm – 2:00am
• Main Event, Nathan Phillips Square – Sun, Sept 20th 12:00pm – 11:00pm
• Manifesto After Party – Sun, Sept 20th 10:00pm – 2:00am
For more information, hit up their website at:
Ok Toronto, I'm off to enjoy my weekend! Shouts at to my homie DatChickNeeks who will be celebrating her bday this weekend... Do it up big mama!
I leave you now with my dude Ryan Leslie's new video, 'You're Not My Girl'
-- Ms. MusiQ is in her element and loving the fall... Owww!
What's good T DOT? What did everyone get into this week??
(originally posted on September 4th, 2009)
The weather held up pretty good (thankfully), so I for one enjoyed myself!! Me and my homegirl finally went to the Ex, I saw friends I haven't seen in forever, meet a lot of new people, went to some BBQ's and got some workouts in there.... Over all, it was a dope week for me. Another thing that has me in an amazing mood is that I'm finally putting together my business ideas together and they're coming out GREAT! I won't say too much about them just yet but, I will keep you in the loop as I go along.
With TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) around the corner, I feel it's necessary to bring this topic up: The proper etiquette when seeing and meeting celebrities! They will be all over Toronto for the next week or two and I feel like there should be some rules when visual and physical contact is made. Now, I'm not in any way trying to put these celebrities on some god-like level but the reality of the situation is, they are well known people. Men.... can we NOT go the extra route and talk the most amount of ish about your new mixtape, your record company, your acting skills and/or your "connections"?! IT'S NOT THAT KIND OF PARTY! Ladies..... you guys are my biggest worrying! I don't wanna use the word 'groupie' anymore so, let's call those of you who like degraded yourselves, 'the heavily misguided few'. After seeing a video of some girl molesting J. Holiday on stage and reading some hideous stories online, I have to ask..... WHY? Why do you as WOMEN think it's appropriate to throw dignity out the window and spazz out when a famous person is around?? For example, it hurt my heart to see the video of these girls screaming for Soulja Boy (of all freakin' people) and telling him they'd sell their soul to be with him. It was even WORSE finding out these girls were from Toronto!!!! We have to do better! Those of you who have stars in your eyes, please remember that these celebrities don't know you and will be going on about their lives WITHOUT YOU once the festival is done! There is absolutely no reason for the extra stuff. Get excited about seeing the person you like or admire but KEEP IT CLASSY!
*For more info on the Film Festival, check out their official website:
I have to show love to my I-M family and remind every one about Industry Mag's Eye Candy of the Month search! Along with Pumpations Ent and Reflector's Hip Hop Honey's, I-M is looking for Toronto hottest ladies and giving you a chance to be featured in the magazine!! Get excited people... Here are the details:
Date: Friday, September 18, 2009
Time: 6:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: Behind "Sneaky Dee's"
- 431 College Street Toronto, ON M5T 1T1
Contact Info:
647 225 7867 (Pumpations Ent)
416 805 5472 (Industry Magazine)
- "Swaggerific Outfit of your choice!"
- Shorts & Bikini Top
- All Black
- Evening Dress wear
*There will be stylists on set for touch ups, however, hair and make-up should be done before hand. Please ensure that you are on time, as the shoot will begin at 6pm.*
That's all for now folks. Until next week, I leave you with the video for "Successful". Stay dope & keep it fresh!
Drake Feat. Trey Songz - Successful
-- Ms. MusiQ just wants to be successful!
Good day people! How is everybody doing today?
(originally posted on August 28th, 2009)
This up and down weather is messing with my emotions and I believe I'm even getting a cold.... THANKS A LOT "SUMMER"! All is not lost though. Fall, my favorite season, is around the corner and I'm very excited!! It's my favorite season weather-wise and fashion-wise.... I get to wear the dopest jackets this season, and for those who don't know, I LOOOOVVVEEE JACKETS!! Another reason to look forward to the upcoming season (fashion-wise), is for the new movie "The September Issue" that's being released soon (and hopefully in Canada). I'm just itching to watch it! It's an in depth look at what goes into making the crucial decisions in the September Issue of Vogue Magazine. That, and a look at the work Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour puts into the magazine! Before this film, Anna has never allowed anyone on the outside to see what she does at the magazine.... That alone has my interest!
*See the trailer for the movie here:
Special shout out to my homie Blake Carrington who will be the opening act for the Cool Kids concert tonight at Lee's Palace... Sorry I won't be there to see you but I already know you're gonna SMASH it!! Also, if anybody is looking for something to do tomorrow night, look no further than Blake's "Summer Body Fit" party at the Dazzling Modern Restaurant & Bar. The music will be brought to you by Dj Rych Kydd and Dj LRS and the cover is $10.... I know I won't be missing it!
I have to take this opportunity to acknowledge my Dope & Fresh Lady of the Week... the infamous Karla Derass of Karla's Closet [ ]. This lady is sooooo well put together it's ridiculous! I'm telling you, give me 20 minutes in her closet and I'll be GOOD!
*Peep some of my favorite fashion pictures of her:
One other thing before I bounce, and this one is on a somber note... This past Tuesday marks the 8th anniversary of Aaliyah Dana Haughton's death. Who else was remembering her in belly tops and baggy pants, dancing and singing across numerous stages and in videos, telling us she was 'Hot Like Fire' and 'One in a Million'?? Man oh man.... R.I.P. Aaliyah.
*Click here for my mini tribute to her:
Ok Toronto, I'm outta here... Hope everyone has a great weekend! Until next week, I leave you with a fresh video by my homie, Toronto's own KJ Simpson... This dude is definately "a breath of fresh heir"!
KJ Simpson - Repeat
Until next week folks, STAY DOPE & KEEP IT FRESH....
-- Ms. MusiQ: I stay dope & fresh... REPEAT, REPEAT!!
What's going on Toronto?
(originally posted on August 21st, 2009)
I'm just here, trying my hardest to stay focused in this heat wave.... Yesterday, I was sincerely hoping the rain would cool the weather down a bit but it was still HOT AS HELL!. I am in no way complaining but daaaaaaaaaaaaamn!! Anyways, what did you guys get into this week? I heard the Busta concert was LIIIVVVEEE last night! I sooooooooo wish I was there! There's nothing better than a LIVE entertainer.... I love going to concerts and getting my money's worth! If any of you were at the concert, hit me up and let me know how it went!
This week, I've been dealing with the down side of business and it's been ROUGH!! It sucks when you try and help others out while still maintaining professionalism, and they take you and all you do for granted. This situation left me wondering, how thin is the line between business and friendship? Is there ever a time where you should bend your rules to maintain said friendship and to make the business relationship run smoothly? When do you sever ties with the people who take advantage of you and your business?
My answers are as followed: Thin as hell, HELL NO and the minute your clients/friends disrespect your business, *get rid of them*!! UGH! Major lesson learned.... For a more in depth look at that question, peep my blog post:
New this week, we have music videos from Jay-Z, Jamie Foxx and R. Kelly. Honestly speaking, none of these videos did anything for me! I think I yawned the most at the "Run This Town" video because it was extremely overhyped... Then again, I was never that enthused about it in the beginning! See for yourselves:
I want to send a shout out to Mandi Harrison and Patrice America aka, the ladies of UPSCALE CHIC [ ] and acknowledge their dopeness! I love seeing women who can put themselves together effortlessly and I really dig their sense of style!! Their resume includes wardrobe styling, creative directing and personal shopping..... DOPE!
Click the link to see a few pictures from their site:
I leave you with Ciara's video "Work" feat Missy Elliot.... Not the exactly a banger but the visuals are FRESH!! I love the styling!
Until next week folks, STAY DOPE & KEEP IT FRESH....
-- Ms. MusiQ: You live and you learn... In the meantime, shop 'til you DROP.... Owwww!
I-M party/ Aug '09 issue reminder!
(originally posted on August 13th, 2009)
I hope everyone is outside enjoying this GORGEOUS weather today!! Finally... Let's give the sun a round of applause for it's co-operation!!!
For the past two days, I've been running around doing some last minute shopping for some clients and getting ready for their performance tonight. One of my many side projects is doing some styling for an up and coming singer and rapper... Shouts out to the whole TruuNorth Ent family and good luck tonight guys!
Sooo, what's everyone getting into this weekend? If anyone is looking for something to do Friday night, look no further than The Industry Magazine's anniversary party at Guvernment!! Our CEO and founder Lisa Persaud, aka 'L Peezy', will also be celebrating her birthday there.... I'm actually going to go out on a limb and say, if you don't party with The Industry Mag on Aug 14th, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT A LIVE PARTY!! I also have to wish my cousin Qiana a very happy birthday... Love you famo, oowwww!
While we're on the subject, I want everyone to be on the look out the August issue of our magazine!! I am especially excited about this issue for two reasons: One, it's the first issue featuring what's 'Dope and Fresh in the City' with yours truly and two, I-M did me PROUD with their "Remembering Michael Jackson" article. Much appreciated. I'm not going to give too much away but I will say this... This issue is FRESH! I'd also like to acknowledge my sis Melissa on her lovey-dovey shout out to her boyfriend... HA!! I see you fam!
Ok, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my night... Be good Toronto! & in memory of the dopest to ever do it, I leave you with a MJ classic:
Michael Jackson - In The Closet
Until next week folks, STAY DOPE & KEEP IT FRESH....
-- Ms. MusiQ
Hello young world!
(originally posted on July 30th, 2009)
Ms. MusiQ here, reporting for duty on all your blogging needs! I'd like to thank the The Industry Magazine team for making room for little ol' me and for allowing me space to speak my mind on a weekly basis. Much appreciated folks!
So, who is Ms. MusiQ you ask? Just a songwriting, music/movie/fashion loving, glasses wearing, internet surfing, sometimes Vegetarian, Toronto native who loves blogging.... It just sort of fell into my lap and I ran with it! I love the freedom of posting pictures, videos, being my normal witty/sarcastic self and saying exactly what's on my mind. Plus, I figure since I'm always looking out for the DOPEST & the FRESHEST people, places and things, I might as well share the wealth!
I thank you in advance for taking the time to read what's on my mind... You're all far too kind and all the way live! Look out for posts on things that happen to me in and around the city, things I see and experience at various events, things that make me wonder why people have so much GALL (for those who don't know what that means, it'll basically be a section about "what really grinds my gears", LOL) and everything in between.... All from my humble opinion of course! I have a lot of little things coming up personally and of course, we all have our own preparations for this year's Caribana festivities so..... We'll have stuff to dish about next week!
If you have any questions or topics you'd like me to touch on, please feel free to email me and ask!! []
Until next week new friends, stay dope & keep it fresh!
I leave you with one of the summer songs I'm feeling right now:
Fabolous Feat. Keri Hilson [Production by Ryan Leslie] - 'Everything, Everyday, Everywhere
--Ms. MusiQ
What kind of summer is THIS??
I know I'm not the only person that's fed up with this "summer weather"... My question is, how are we gonna get around it and recover from the time we've already lost?
I know for myself, these thunder storms have made me cancel my plans on more than one occasion, not to mention, they have put a damper on my mood! I missed out on the opening of a new fashion and art market called Portobello East last Sunday, I had a lot of errands to run but I couldn't bother to do them because of the Tsunami type rain and now I'm hearing that this weekend isn't looking too good... What gives? I mean, it's already bad enough that the strike has killed most of my summer buzz but now I can't even get too excited about Caibana out of fear that it might rain out? Also, for the days when it doesn't rain, WHY AM I WEARING THICK SWEATERS IN THE EVENING??? Geeeeez.....
One good thing that did come out of this past week was the BBQ I went to at WetBar on Sunday night (the rain decided to calm down for a little while so I rolled out)! I have to give it up to you Toronto, you guys know how to be grown and keep your drama(s) in check, even at a FREE BBQ! The food was alright, the vibe was cool and DJ Spoonz was killing the tunes!! I have to admit, I was VERY impressed by the turn out!
In other news, the beautiful and talented Ms. Keri Hilson was in town a few days ago and guess what?? I MISSED HER!! UGH! I've been so busy lately that I didn't pay attention to the day she was coming. Ahhh well...
Anyways, I hope everyone has a fun and safe Caribana 2009! Wherever you guys go and whatever you guys do, stay dope, keep it fresh and BE RESPONSIBLE!!!
-- Ms. MusiQ is STILL waiting for month long beach weather!